Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Oh hi blog! Nice to see you again... It's been forever!

Oh my poor blog, how I have neglected you.  It's not through choice though - it's due completely to my lack of ability to find computers.

It turns out that I am writing this from my comfy bed in sunny Maulden.  Not the most exotic of locations, but definately one of the most desirable ones since travelling for over 24 hours.  I can now be like a starfish instead of curling up in a ball to promptly fall out of a top bunk.

I need to fill you in on many things...

Although, I am having severe problems loading my photos.  This is worrying.  Hmm.

Let me fix this technical difficulty and I will get back to you shortly.


Ok, so it turns out my camera SD card doesn't play well with computers so I am going to have to try my hardest to get it fixed.  I am going to try Boots tomorrow and if that doesn't work - I am going to try my Dad's computer fixing company to see if they can sort anything.  Damn it.

I hope my camera gets fixed or I won't have any more photos!

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